Monday, May 5, 2008

Hailey's 1st Dentist Appointment

Hailey did WONDERFUL @ her 1st Dentist appointment. She shocked everyone with how well she did. She never made a peep & did EXACTLY as she was instructed!! The employees there were SO impressed, they named her the patient of the month(usually a drawing but they said she made the choice too easy) & she 'won' a $20 gift card to Wal-Mart to get a prize!! These pics are off my phone, so they may not be great but it's all I had.

Here she's getting her floride treatment.....what a good girl!!

1 comment:

Lindsi B said...

Look at Hailey being sucha big girl!!!!
Im happy that you had a wonderful shower...and that you have enjoyed setting up their nursery.
Have a great week!